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Looks like I’ve slipped some

And have fallen behind in posts.

Well it’s going to be a while before I can get myself back into a regular posting habit.

Here I am, on the eve of a 5 night trip to Aruba, with some excelent news to share.

People who know me know I’ve complained about things (people, situations) at work. I set for myself back in 2008 to do my best to outperform and excel beyond anything anyone there expects from me. Basically trying to leave behind those who I feel cause difficulties. Well the work has paid off. Today I had my annual review. I’ve gotten a promotion to Quality Assurance Engineer.

This title is actually an interesting one. Within our IT framework there are just three levels of QA employees where I work. Once you reach the third tier either you just sit there until you leave (if you leave – i have a 25+ year co-worker), you get promoted into management, or you move to another group and start hopping around the company as a specialist in some field. When I return from vacation my boss and I shall begin discussing the next steps and how to figure out where I should go, management or skill specialist  (cause I’m not going to just sit in a position and stagnate) and how to get there.



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