And a new four years begin…
Four not eight. Now before some of you get all upset, there is no reason to assume that our President won’t be replaced in four years. There is the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression, two wars draining our resources, many other issues home and abroad we all have to pay attention to.
It’s a tall order to fill, and although I hope and pray that this administration can make changes and improve our overall situation, I won’t pretend that if he doesn’t he will be replaced.
Political statements on this blog will not be common. I do not believe that a single label can declare someone’s mindset on all things. I do intend to express my opinion when things happen I don’t agree with, or seem to be ignored by the media.
But for now, it’s the first day of something new. The same something new that we have every 4 or 8 years here in the good old USA.